Tag Archives: Los Angeles

California Vacation part 3

This will be the last installment of this episode. And sadly the last days of our California vacation.

Our Monday run arounds included a trip to a cool dood named JDM Jay, His blog is in my blogroll :Dropjay.
We were able to check out his sweeties EVo **SUCH A BEAUTY** and we missed out on the R34 experience**DAMN ALARM WIRING!!** A very nice time with JDM Jay talking about everything car related, toys, cars, work, cars, jdm stuff, cars….heh Here’s Ms. Karens superb Import Tuner cover EVO!

California Vaca 2008

California Vaca 2008

California Vaca 2008

California Vaca 2008

California Vaca 2008

California Vaca 2008

California Vaca 2008

A crappy garage shot, but her car can be seen on a previous cover of Import Tuner Magazine in way better photos than mine!


We were able to have a group dinner that night with Jdm Jay, Karen, Jae Bueno and family(stef, caila, and Julian), and an old friend from the diecast community Gabriel! This was a VERY VERY cool night catching up, bs’ing just talking about whatever was clever.

L to R: Gabriel, Jae Bueno, and Jdm Jay
California Vaca 2008

L to R: Jae’s wife Stef, Miss Gisselle, Julian and Alma
California Vaca 2008

Alma and Stef:

California Vaca 2008

JDM Jay and Miss Karen aka EVO GRL

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Mr. Gabriel:

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And DEFINITELY a HUGE Thank you to JDM Jay and Karen as they swooped on the dinner check like ninjas and paid for all of us! So super duper nice! We all can’t thank you enough for your generosity!!

Our LAST DAY in Los Angeles Julian and Gisselle played with the bubble toys!

California Vaca 2008

California Vaca 2008

And with this smile we were out. Leaving behind very close friends and family. We will be back again! Thank each and everyone of your guys and ladies for your love and hospitality!

California Vaca 2008

California Vacation Part 2

Well I woke up a little early today, so I can throw some more pictures of of the family vacation.

After we did the Disneyland thing thursday it was time fore fireworks friday. We were invited to spend time with the Bueno’s ate Stef’s parents house. We had a GREAT time, although Selle got sick from something and was throwing up most of the day. She bounced back though ready for a fun day!

Gisselle and Julian new summer loves!

California Vaca 2008

Selle and Julian doing the sparkler thing. (Selle’s first time with fireworks)

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California Vaca 2008

We then mashed out to my Aunt’s house in San Diego for a visit. Selle came up on a Build A Bear. And Emily wanted to do the nite nite thing with selle. Precious.

California Vaca 2008

California Vaca 2008

We headed back to Los Angeles Sunday for Julian’s 5th Birthday party at the park. ALOT of very cool people there even a celebrity that I won’t name drop ha. Very good times! Great food, terrific atmosphere, and the kids had a blast!

Ronnie on the left and Stef’s brother “right there right there” Rich behind the grill.

California Vaca 2008

It’s the birthday boy Julian!!

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The kids before hot Potato

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I wanna be like this cool dood! Mr. Bueno caught IN FRONT of the camera for once!

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Mama Bueno and Cris paparazzi style:

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Cris with the Bday boy Julian and a cutie named Lilly.

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Pinata time. The kids (especially the little ones) knocked the hell out of this HUGE pinata!

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Lilly and Michael killing it!

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BUSTED…the aftermath!

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Selle just checking out the competition..

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Alma just checking it all out. (probably looking for the elote)

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Mr. Bueno again, with Eric Valdez (Street Image) checking to see if Jae is hot or cold….

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California Vaca 2008

Julian making a funny after we sang happy birthday.

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Eric Valdez and Mr. Patrick chit chatting it up!

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The kids got Water guns in their goody bags. Needless to say I am sure there was alot of Water used with their ninja style shooting…ha

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California Vaca 2008

Caila about to get it. (afformentioned ninja style)

California Vaca 2008

California vacation Part 1

Well, with many more workdays in front of me, I have gathered a few pictures to sum up our family vacation to Los Angeles. Alot of missed pictures, but hey the ones I got are the ones that count right?..

Well first things first. We landed in Los Angeles Tuesday, getting lost on the freeway, taking detours, hitting traffic, getting hungry made for a very long afternoon. Our tuesday was pretty much spent. Grabbed some food, hit the hotel, and visited Jae Bueno and his wonderful family for a short while then knock out time. ( we were supposed to have recieved Disneyland tickets at Jae’s address but the postal system seemed to have screwed that up)

Wednesday we woke up, ate at La Poblana (GREAT SUGGESTION from Jae’s wife Stef!) Very yummy! Afterwards we headed toward Melrose, hitting the Peterson Automotive Museum, The Fast Life, and Kidrobot.

Some flicks from the Peterson.

A KICKASS ice cream truck with a 360 degree mural:

California Vaca 2008

They had a DISNEY/PIXAR CARS wing there with several lithographs, resins, and drawings from the making of the animated movie:

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California Vaca 2008

And of course some nice rides:

California Vaca 2008

Selle being like dad on 2 wheels…

California Vaca 2008

The Following day we did the big touristy thing….DISNEYLAND and CALIFORNIA ADVENTURES.
Remembering back in the day when I went to Disneyland there wasn’t a California Adventures and there certainly wasn’t a 5 tier parking garage. Nutso how things have expanded! I was definately caught off guard!

California Vaca 2008

The girls posing:

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California Vaca 2008

Selle and her ears!

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California Vaca 2008

Although we missed out on the most popular rides , Gisselle had a BLAST with everything we did. So that matters most!

California Vaca 2008

California Vaca 2008

California Vaca 2008

California Vaca 2008

Rest of the Vacation tomorrow….

Vacations over….back to reality

Well we have arrived back on the WACK coast from our GREAT trip back to California. GREAT friends, GREAT people, and GREAT food = GREAT times! We all didn’t want to leave! We will make it back out soon enough and be able to enjoy OUR TERRIFFIC friends, The Bueno’s, and all the other unique people we are honored to call FRIENDS! Here’s a little snapshot…I am off to work will get the 100’s of pictures sorted and toys unwrapped and get to posting!

welcome to LA