Tag Archives: medusa

Erick Scarecrow ESCTOY Brooklyn Boa Medusa Colorway

This Christmas was really about me buying stuff for myself and letting everyone know what they got me. One kick ass gift I bought was this Brooklyn Boa Medusa colorway by Erick Scarecrow (one of Gisselle’s favorite designers. She likes the big shoes on his characters!) Along with the figure was a signed Gliclee of the piece, a very nice bonus! Erick continues to knock the figures out of the park! The shimmery pearl paint for the pants and top are incredible.


Erick Scarecrow Brooklyn boa Medusa (3)

Erick Scarecrow Brooklyn boa Medusa (4)

Erick Scarecrow Brooklyn boa Medusa (5)

Erick Scarecrow Brooklyn boa Medusa (6)

The Signed Gliclee

Erick Scarecrow Brooklyn boa Medusa (2)

And Gisselle giving it the thumbs up!

Erick Scarecrow Brooklyn boa Medusa (1)Share this Post


Erick Scarecrow’s Blogspot

Mr. Erick Scarecrow

If you want to check out some super kick ass vinyl figures created and designed by a kick ass guy. Hit Mr. Erick Scarecrow’s Blogspot up here or he is also listed on my blogroll to the left. He was also kind enough to throw Gisselle’s picture on his blog. It shows her holding his Liberty figure in all colorways released. She loves his figures and I do as well! You might also know him for his Medusa, Kissaki, Soopa Maria, Soopa Coin Up Bro’s, and shitake, and mousie micci plushes PLUS MANY MORE DESIGNS!!. He is A VERY TALENTED YOUNG MAN WITH A VISION BEYOND HIS YEARS!!! Check out his blog and see for yourself! Thank you Mr. Erick if you see this. Once again another reason why you stand out amongst the rest! Thank you for the LOVE!!! Gisselle sends kisses and hugs!


Erick Scarecrow NYCC Medusa Black Mamba release

Erick Scarecrow has definitely been in the lab drawing/creating some sick ass toy designs! His more recent New York Comic Con release of The Medusa Black Mamba release was a STELLAR SELL OUT smash! I was able to get ahold of one from a local collector who decided to let it go for persuits of other things. I quickly swooped on this piece and then decided to get a little artsy with my photography. Erick Hit a HOME RUN with yet ANOTHER Figure! If you want to check out Erick’s work hit up WWW.ESCTOYS.COM

ESC Medusa

ESC Medusa (1)