Tag Archives: Series 1

Jada Toys 2006 Ford Mustang GT Battle Machines

Jada has dropped a new line called battle machines. Something along the lines of Mad Max type vehicles. Not too much that makes them a line that will last multiple releases. But I grabbed only one that appealed to me for the simple fact of the police livery. Besides that they are clogging the pegs at ALL area stores and have been sitting their for about 3 1/2 weeks without a movement.

Jada Battle Machine Mustang

Jada Toys Battle Bots Mustang (2)

Jada Toys Battle Bots Mustang

Jada Toys Battle Bots Mustang (1)

Jada Toys Battle Bots Mustang (3)

Kidrobot 8 inch Joe Ledbetter Tiger Dunny

I have been mostly out of the Kidrobot Vinyl scene with other interests catching my collecting dollar. But inside a local mall store “Up against the wall” This 8 inch dunny that was recently released caught my eye and instantaneously I had to grab it. The Dunny series is a quite popular Artistic platform vinyl figure manufactured by a company called Kidrobot. They select featured artists to design something to cover the 8 inch platform however they like, then produced a limited quantity to be sold either on thier own website (www.kidrobot.com) or various online stores as well as brick and mortar stores around the world.

Jled Dunny